International Coach Federation Deutschland

Networking: The Power of Connection

Networking is the heart of growth and collaboration. For the International Coaching Federation, it’s more than exchanging contacts—it’s about building meaningful relationships, sharing knowledge, and inspiring each other to elevate the coaching profession.

Join us at our upcoming networking event to connect, learn, and grow together! Let’s shape the future of coaching as a united community.


Stadtchapter Host: Katia Triggiani (PCC)

Katia Triggiani: Empowering Global Leaders | 25 years of marketing expertise and coaching excellence

As Chapter Host I want to welcome existing and future ICF members in Munich, know each other and learn from each other. We will speak in English and German, so everyone is welcome!


Added value:

  • Understanding Neurodiversity: Learn about ADHD, autism, and dyslexia, which affect up to 20% of clients.
  • Inclusive Coaching Techniques: Adapt your coaching approach to meet neurodivergent clients' unique needs.
  • Improving Communication: Develop strategies to enhance clarity and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Empowering Uniqueness: Support neurodivergent clients by recognizing and leveraging their strengths.
  • Building Neuro-Inclusive Practices: Create an inclusive coaching practice that embraces cognitive diversity.


Guests are, of course, welcome!



No CCEU for this event.



Park Café, ICF Table

Sophienstraße 7, München


Dinner is possible on site at your own expense.



Th., 13. Februar 2025, 7:00 - 10:00 PM


Tickets are available via Eventbrite.



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