International Coach Federation Deutschland

Lab: Experience Mentoring vs. Supervision

In this lab, two short coaching sequences are in the foreground, on the basis of which the differences between ICF-Mentoring (as the basis for a desired certification) and supervision are demonstrated in a practice and experience-oriented manner.


Rony Gruber (President of ICF Israel): Rony's vast experience as a former film director sharpened his talent for cultivating a creative space for his clients to play out their personal and professional narratives and form a deeper understanding of who they are and how they wish to present themselves in the world.

As the creator of "Cine Inspired Coaching", Rony offers his clients a unique and efficient method to bypass cognition, increase viable options and stretch the boundaries of their vision. With over 20 years experience as a writer/film director, Rony has perfected the match between the language of cinema and the transformative power of coaching. 

Anne Schweppenhäußer is managing partner of CICERO Organisationsentwicklung GmbH, Stuttgart. She is a certified psychologist specializing in Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Master Certified Coach (ICF), Senior Coach BDP, Mentor Coach, certified user of the Hogan Assessment System, certified Narrative Coach.

Benefits for participants

  • Recognizing the differences between mentoring and supervision
  • Understanding the benefits of mentoring and supervision
  • Exploring two short coaching sequences
  • Development recommendations for the coach based on the new ICF core competencies
  • Promoting the use of supervision and mentoring for a successful professional coaching career

Weitere Informationenרוני-גרובר-61275838/ 


2th July 2020; 19:00 - 20:30 (CEST)


Please click here to purchase your tickets.


Information on CCEUs will be published on Eventbrite.


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