International Coach Federation

Discipline to discussion - being even more inline with employees

Discipline to discussion - being even more inline with employees

Awareness and understanding of the DISC drivers, Motivators and the Platinum Rule.  How the different DISC behavioral styles, and key concepts of the Motivators support each other, or impact each other in a negative way.

How to conduct a discussion in a non-judgmental, partnering style around people's behavioral difference - using a combination of CC5 – Active Listening, CC6 Powerful Questioning and CC7 Direct Communication. This is very different from TELLING people about themselves on the basis of an assessment report.

By adopting this partnering style, coaches will learn how to understand and appreciate someone else's world even more, whether individually, or in teams. CC3 – Establishing Trust and Intimacy

About the Speaker: Roel Schaart

      Peak Performance Results Coach, mentor and trainer

      Maser certified practitioner Disc, Motivators and Emotional intelligence

      Formal VP ICF Deutschland eV

      Happy dad and husband

      Sports freak doing Spartan Races, Navy Seal Trainings, Marathons and Crossfit



Benefits for Participants

·        How can evidence based coaching solutions support your coaching

·        How to conduct a discussion in a non-judgmental, partnering style around people's behavioral difference

·        Integrating several core competencies in your communication with your clients

·        Recruit and attract top talent

·       Boost your training results


Further Information


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