International Coach Federation

Digital Wellbeing: Finding a balance between online and offline lives

Have you or your clients experienced the feeling of being constantly overwhelmed, or find it hard to focus from being on a device all the time? Do you or your clients have FOMO, Zoom fatigue, or undiagnosed anxiety after scrolling through Facebook? Join Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina of Consciously Digital for an interactive and fun session on digital wellness. Using the latest neuroscience research and case studies from around the world, she will discuss the impact that our devices have on physical, emotional, and mental wellness, and suggest how wellness professionals can help themselves and their clients find a balance between their online and offline lives. This is a practical workshop for wellness professionals, coaches, trainers, managers, and HR specialists who want to help their clients avoid digital burnout and be more focused and productive.


Speaker: Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina

Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina (UK) is a TEDx speaker, bestselling author of Homo Distractus, and founder of Consciously Digital, a global network of well-being coaches that helps companies be more mindful about how they use technology and enhance human skills in the age of digital distractions. Consciously Digital also runs the only certification program for digital wellbeing coaches in the world certified by International Coach Federation (ICF) and National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). Anastasia is a frequent speaker at global conferences, such as Mobile World Congress and the National Wellness Conference, and she has appeared numerous times in the national and international press. Anastasia's TEDx talk "Could you live without a smartphone?" has been viewed more than 330,000 times on YouTube


Following this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • describe how our digital habits have changed as a result of the pandemic and the impact it had on our wellness.
  • explain why we find it difficult to create boundaries when working from home and the physical and mental health costs of being “always on,” including the relationship between our digital habits and workplace productivity, sick leave, and presenteeism.
  • explain why digital fatigue is real, what causes it, and how to raise awareness around it by examining case studies from Consciously Digital coaches who’ve worked with corporate clients.
  • utilize practical exercises and strategies they and their clients can use to improve their digital wellbeing.


    Additional Information




    Information on the CCEU will be published on Eventbrite



    Tue, 8 November 2022, 19:00 – 20:30 CET



    Please purchase your tickets at Eventbrite


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