International Coach Federation Deutschland

How to Support Psychological Safety and Emotional Connection in Remote Groups (EN)

Remote coaching and group collaboration present unique challenges for ourselves and our clients. Making impactful emotional connections that open the space for transformational work can be particularly challenging, especially when our clients and colleagues spend so much of their time in stressful online work environments. Tools and techniques that we have learned over years of in-person work often do not translate well to the online world, and efforts to simply replicate our live practices into a virtual environment are regularly met with failure and frustration.

Learning how to overcome these obstacles is particularly important when so many new people are seeking help navigating the challenges of their personal and professional lives, and the expectation of doing this work remotely is only set to grow. We all have a much wider potential audience to work with than we could ever reach in the real world, but learning to do so effectively requires learning how to facilitate online work that opens our clients up to the full range of their experience and to deeper relationships with us as coaches.

Drawing on recent research and applications of the science of safety, particularly Dr. Stephen Porges’ work on the Polyvagal Theory, this session will explore how we can more effectively support psychological safety and emotional connection when working remotely with our clients and client groups. We will explore the central role of stress and anxiety in blocking effective online communication and collaboration, and work with innovative tools that help us do work that would not be possible in live settings. This highly interactive session is aimed at coaches who want to build more impactful relationships with their clients online, or anyone who wants to help remote groups to connect more deeply and collaborate more effectively.

The event will be virtual and in English.


Speaker:  Kimo Quaintance

Dr. Kimo Quaintance is a leadership coach, speaker, and organizational consultant based in Munich. He is the founder of IQ Gemini, a consultancy that supports cultural transformation, psychological safety, and building healthy team relationships. He is also the co-founder of Move-to-Think, an organization dedicated to improving the quality of work life through body-mind integration. He passionately believes that the next evolution in Homo sapiens will be led by people who have learned how to navigate the power of their unconscious minds and emotions.

Kimo holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of St Andrews in Scotland where his research focused on how cognitive biases and psychological framing shape decision making. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich (Universität der Bundeswehr München), the University of Denver, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.

He has trained in Embodied Leadership Coaching with the Strozzi Institute, Intensive Short Term Psychodynamic Therapy (ISTDP) with master therapists in Germany and the United States, and Somatics at the Somatic Academy Berlin. He has spent the past 20 years teaching and consulting in the United States, China, Scotland, and Germany. His clients include Facebook, Microsoft, General Motors, AUDI, Lufthansa, Siemens, and the United States Army.

Participants will:

  • Understand how the science of safety explains many of the challenges and opportunities of online coaching and group collaboration.
  • Gain more confidence facilitating online work that brings out the best in their individual clients, client groups, and colleagues.
  • Learn how visual thinking and collaboration tools like Miro can be a powerful support for online group coaching work.

Who should attend? This session is aimed at

  • coaches who want to build more impactful relationships with their clients online,
  • anyone who wants to help remote groups to connect more deeply and collaborate more effectively.

Most of us have been limited to working with clients and colleagues remotely since the start of the pandemic and this session is designed to highlight the surprising advantages and new opportunities that come from doing our work remotely.

Overview of the evening:

In this interactive workshop we will explore the main themes around the science of safety and how the design of our nervous systems creates specific challenges and opportunities for working together and building emotional connections online. Participants will work with a powerful virtual whiteboard tool called Miro to engage in individual reflection and small group exercises. They will explore supporting psychological safety and remote emotional connection in practice and then share their insights with fellow coaches. Everyone will have an opportunity to be heard, collaborate closely with others, and reflect on their experience together.

Evening Program / Ablauf des Abends:

18:30 – Entry, Registration and Networking
18:45 – Welcome and chapter update
19:00 – 20:00 Guest speaker (between 45 and 60 minutes)
~20:00 – 20:15 Break / networking
20:15 – 21:15 Workshop led by Guest Speaker (between 45 and 60 minutes)
21:15 – 21:30 Closing - participants
21:30 – Official End of Evening, participants may stay on


Core Competencies 2.5

Resource Development 0.5

Ihr Beitrag / Costs:

Mitglieder / Member ICF Deutschland e.V.:  10 EUR
Mitglieder / Member ICF global: 15 EUR
Gäste / Guest: 20 EUR

Registrations under this link / Anmeldung unter diesem Link.



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