International Coach Federation Deutschland

Coaching & AI - how AI will influence the future of coaching

The acceleration of digital transformation through the pandemic has also tremendously influenced the speed of applying artificial intelligence in various sectors, including coaching. Many fear how AI will influence the coaching industry.

This workshop is aiming to provide a better understanding of what AI exactly is, what applications fields for Coaching in general exist and how it can be used to improve the coaching/client relation. It will also give insights into current research and application approaches with the aim to democratize coaching.

We invite you to participate in creating the future of coaching by discussing how to create valuable symbioses between coach and technology to support the client/coach relation.


Speaker: Rebecca Rutschmann & Dr. Nicky Terblanche

Rebecca Rutschmann is a tech entrepreneur, communications specialist & certified business-coach and an expert in creating outstanding digital and intelligent user experiences. Since 2011 she has been involved in working with different online coaching formats and wrote her business-coaching thesis in 2017 on "online self-coaching". Her mission: to fully liberalize coaching by creating an intelligent, digital and gamified chat bot application for blended coaching.


Dr. Nicky Terblanche is a senior lecturer and research supervisor on the MBA, MPhil Coaching and PhD programmes at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), South Africa. His academic interests include both leadership coaching and information system. He also runs an executive and leadership coaching practice. He has an MPhil in Management Coaching, an MScEng in electronic engineering and a PhD in Business Management.


Benefits for the participants?

● Obtain a general understanding of what AI really is and where the limits are

● Learn about:

  • particular application fields of AI for Coaching
  • Relevance of clean and high quality data and what to look out for

● Understand approaches on how to create AI supported applications for coaching

  • GROW Research project Nicky
  • evoach
  • projects

● Be able to participate in creating the future symbioses between coaches and AI to support coachees and democratize coaching globally.


Who should attend

Coaches and HR Pioneers interested in coaching and technology


    Additional Information:

    Podcast episode on AI & Coaching with Adina Terry



    Book recommendation: Ein Algorithmus hat kein Taktgefühl


    Youtube intro to NLP



    Core Competencies: 2.5

    Resource Development: 0.5



    Mon, 12 July 2021, 18:30 – 21:30 CEST



    Please purchase your Tickets at Eventbrite




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