International Coach Federation Deutschland

Connect & Dance with your Client – how Improv can foster your coaching

In our coaching sessions we as Coaches very often “dance in the moment” and we have to create from whatever our clients throw at us so we can bring out their magnificence. In improv our scene partner (and sometimes the audience too) throws suggestions at us so we together can create a story without a script, while we also aim to make our partner look brilliant.

In this session, we want to introduce and explore some of the basic rules and games of improv that we believe are also applicable to coaching. Certainly Improv has something to do with fun (for sure!), but overall it's about connection and being in the moment here with your partner. So in particular, we think that the presented methods help very well to build a fruitful coaching relationship and to practice active listening as well as get in touch with (and trust) your intuition as coach.

You don’t need to have any theatre experience to join this session, all you need is curiousity and joy to "dance in the moment" as Improv is a playful way to practice presence.

Speaker: Frank Jäger (PCC, CPCC) & Su Mee Tan (MA, CPCC, ACC)


Frank and Su Mee both certified as coaches with the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) and met at a CTI Leadership course in London. Su Mee lives in Amsterdam and was working internationally as a change manager for many years. Frank is living in Düsseldorf and led the business theater company GANGART Theater*Event*Training for many years.

They believe the art of improvisation is a great tool for anyone to have, in coaching as well as in life, so a lot of the coaching and training they do includes what they learned from improvisation theatre.


Benefits for the participants?

  • introduction to improv methods in an experiential live demo
  • applicable improv methods and actionable tips to level up your coaching
  • tools to be in trustful contact with your client while "dancing in the moment"
  • a playful way to maintain presence and evoke awareness
  • inspiring exchange and discussion


Additional Information:

“Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre“ by Keith Johnstone



Information via eventbrite.

Ihr Beitrag / Costs:

Mitglieder / Member ICF Deutschland e.V.:  10 EUR
Mitglieder / Member ICF global: 15 EUR
Gäste / Guest: 20 EUR

Please book your ticket via eventbrite.



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