International Coach Federation

Clean Language - Keeping your stuff out and your clients stuff in. (Talk in English)

This workshop will introduce you to Clean Language – a powerful and effective way to work with clients that gets to the heart of the matter. Clean Language was originally developed to help clients to resolve deep trauma. It is now being used to solve complex problems by some of the sharpest people in the world – managers, auditors, computer scientists, sales promoters, market researchers, coaches, educators, health professionals and many others who prefer to empower people rather than tell them what to do. Clean is a metaphor for questions being free (= clean) of assumptions, interpretations, and judgments. It therefore reduces the risk of wasteful projections. By asking Clean questions you carefully explore the metaphors which underpin a person’s thinking. Thereby you help them change their lives in a way that intrinsically respects diversity and supports empowerment.

Expect to jump into exercises early in the workshop!

Core Competencies practised:

Establishing trust and intimacy with a client, Active listening, Powerful questioning, Creating awareness, Planning and goal setting

Unsere Referentin/Our presenter:

Sharon Small is an independent researcher and internationally recognized Clean Language trainer and assessor. She has over 13 years of experience working in the nuclear industry, a degree in psychology, and background in NLP. She is the author of The End of Therapy, co-editor of Who is Using Clean Language Anyway, and is a leading authority on Clean Language, Symbolic Modeling and Clean Interviewing for working professionals. 

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