International Coach Federation

Clean Lanaguage/Symbolic Modeling 3-day Workshop

This training is designed with coaches in mind. It covers many ICF core competencies including establishing trust and intimacy with the client, coaching presence, active listening, powerful questioning, direct communication, creating awareness, designing actions, planning and goal setting, managing progress and accountability, and more

Content - What you will learn:

  • The structure of Clean Language and Symbolic Modeling
  • 12 core Clean Language questions to facilitate create greater results andsatisfaction in your clients.
  • The Problem-Remedy-Outcome model (P.R.O.) - its distinctions and specializedquestions
  • Why metaphor matters and how to recognize the ones that mean the most to yourclient.
  • The principles of Clean Language and how to adapt them to your current work
  • A model of tracking where you and your client are in a session and how to flexibly move between stages depending on the needs of the client
  • How to use language that has the greatest positive effect on the client

Benefits - What you will experience in your coaching practice:

  • The ability to create contextually clean questions in any conversation
  • Clients that create and comply with their own accountability measures
  • Quicker, deeper rapport with your clientsŸ Greater psychological flexibility in yourself and your clients
  • Ability to use client-generated metaphor to the benefit of your clients goals
  • New ways to work with flexibility and emergence
  • A clear model of where you are in a client session and how to flexibly movebetween stages of change depending on the needs of the client.
  • Personal insight and behavioral flexibility that extends beyond class time

Dates and Times: Munich 2019

March 12 - Day 1: 09:00 to 16:30

March 13 - Day 2: 09:00 to 16:30

March 14 - Day 3: 09:00 to 15:30

More Info/Register at

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