International Coach Federation

Automation, business & online marketing strategies for coaches


We know that the coaching and wellness market is one of the fastest growing industries in the world right now and indeed, there has never been a better time to be in our industry - coaching has become the mainstream must-have for successful living.

Technology has become an essential part of any modern coaching practice.  

Technology is fast changing not only the way we market and promote our coaching practice, but the tools that we use to effectively work with our clients as well. Whether we are corporate or personal coaches, we need to know how to leverage the internet if we are going to grow our practice and remain competitive.

But, it can be a confusing space – overwhelming even. Even the terminology is scary - sales funnels, squeeze pages, opt in, gdpr, auto-responders, chat bots, to name just a few.  

Where do you focus your energy? What do you offer? Where do you even begin? How do you get paying clients? And ... can you really put a coaching practice online?

Join us for an interactive evening, where we take the technological overwhelm out of the world of online coaching.

Sue will give you the step by step recipe that she used to leverage the internet and reposition her Coaching and Consulting practice to operate exclusively online. She will give you the 8 critical success elements that you need to have in place so that you can grow your business into the online arena. 

You will learn what to avoid, what wastes your time, but most importantly, small but powerful tweaks to your marketing strategies that you can start doing now that are guaranteed to increase both your presence and income online.


Who should attend

Coaches with an existing  practice who work internationally

New Coaches who want to set up an online practice

Coaches who want to leverage online techniques to grow their physical practice

Coaches who are exploring creating digital products to enhance their one on one and group work

Anyone who wants to start delivering online workshops and courses



Susan Schöning

Sue combines Vedic Psychology (Vedic Science) with Western Coaching, Counselling and Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. Sue works exclusively online and connects with clients from all over the world through skype and zoom sessions. She has over 30 000 hours of individual and group client coaching experience. 

Over the past five years, she has developed a wide range of signature programmes, as well as a comprehensive digital library of meditations, online workshops and videos all designed to stimulate self-discovery and awareness. 

Susan is also the co-founder of Coach Automator, an online automation management system aimed specifically at the coaching, wellness and healing industry. Coach Automator draws on her many years in business and marketing, as well as her extensive experience in the coaching and healing arena.

Websites: and 


Evening Program / Ablauf des Abends:

18.30Entry, Registrations und Networking

18:45ICF und Chapter Updates


~20:00 (15 Minuten Pause for networking and discussion)  


21:15Participants closing

21:30End of evening



Core Competences/ Kernkompetenzen: 0,5 CCEU
Resource Development / Ressourcenentwicklung: 2,5 CCEU


Ihr Beitrag / Costs:

Mitglieder / Member ICF Deutschland e.V.:  10 EUR
Mitglieder / Member ICF global: 15 EUR
Gäste / Guest: 20 EUR


Registrations under this link / Anmeldung unter diesem Link.

©2025  International Coach Federation Deutschland e. V.