International Coach Federation

A Thinking Environment® A Bite Sized Taster Evening (EN)

“The Quality of Everything we do depends on the quality of the thinking we do first. The quality of that thinking depends mostly on the way that people treat each other when they are together – so they can think really well, for themselves and as themselves.” Nancy Kline 

The Thinking Environment, inspired by the work of Nancy Kline, generates the best independent and creative thinking in individuals, teams, groups and whole organisations. It is built around 10 principles or “Components” that can transform day to day conversations, team meetings, customer interactions, even whole organisational cultures. 

In partnership with the ICF, Anna Inama will offer an exclusive evening taster event for you to experience and create a thinking environment for yourself. 

The event will be virtual and in English.


Speaker: Anna Inama

Anna in her own words:
I work as an Executive Coach to leaders and their teams. I am a qualified ICF PCC Coach and Mentor, and am currently on my journey to MCC.  

I worked for over 20 years in senior leadership roles in multinational organisations which gave me first hand experience of leading and managing people. During this time, I was mentored and coached by some inspiring and experienced leaders who had faith in me and often challenged me to develop my leadership skills. Although that wasn’t always a comfortable experience I learned how valuable that was, and I am sure I became so much better as a person as well as leader as a result. 

Since 2010, I have spent more than 5,000 coaching hours coaching leaders and their teams all over the world. I have been delighted to see the results: high potentials who become directors of divisions; executive directors who become leaders of the enterprise and teams delivering outstanding results. 

I am a certified Time to Think Coach, Facilitator and Teacher and work with individuals, teams and organisations to create thinking environments.

What Participants will take away:
During our 2.5 hour evening taster event, you can personally experience the impact of the Thinking Environment 

  • how a Thinking Environment promotes high quality thinking and decision-making
  • how it helps to build trust and unleashes creativity
  • what it feels like when someone helps you to ignite your thinking
  • a powerful coaching tool that enables the coachee to think things through so their resulting decisions are sound and fully actionable
  • how it can transform team and group meetings of all kinds for maximum effectiveness through some simple processes.

For those of you who are interested in more, Anna will also be offering workshops in October and November in English in Munich. Please see for more details.

Who should attend?
There will be something in this session for everybody who is interested in experiencing independent thinking

Overview of the evening:
This will be an interactive event with easy tools you can take away and use immediately with your family too. Participants will get to practice both in break-out groups and as a whole team together. It’s energising and enjoyable. You’ll learn how to apply the components in meetings, one to ones at work and, interestingly, with your family too. 

Evening Program / Ablauf des Abends:

18:30 Entry, Registrations und Networking

18:45 ICF und Chapter Updates

19:00 Presentation: A Thinking Environment®

~20:00  (15 Minuten Pause for networking and discussion)  

21:30 Participants closing

21:45 End of evening



Core Competencies: 2 CCEU
Resource Development: 1 CCEU


Ihr Beitrag / Costs:

Mitglieder / Member ICF Deutschland e.V.:  10 EUR
Mitglieder / Member ICF global: 15 EUR
Gäste / Guest: 20 EUR
Plus Ticketgebühr / Plus Ticket fee


Registrations in Eventbrite under this link / Anmeldung im Eventbrite unter diesem Link.

©2025  International Coach Federation Deutschland e. V.