International Coach Federation Deutschland

Positive Provocation - Independent thinking and professional growth in coaching

Coaching is a conversational technology that encourages increased personal insight, enhanced growth, and improved performance. It makes sense that we would apply our foundational intervention-- questioning-- to promote the growth and performance of coaches as well as our clients. In this workshop, Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener will pose a number of inquiries that question the core assumptions of coaching. He does this not to dismiss the foundations of our field but to encourage independence of thought and professional growth. 

Speaker: Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener

Dr. Robert BIswas-Diener is a wellbeing researcher, speaker, and ICF certified coach. He trains coaches at Positive Acorn and publishes popular and academic writing on many coaching-related topics. His most recent coaching book is Positive Provocation: 25 questions to elevate your coaching practice. 


Added value for participants:

  1. New insights into your own coaching assumptions and habits
  2. Empowerment to question standard practice
  3. Professional growth


For further information in advance, you can check the following:

Book - Positive Provocation



Core Competencies: 0.75

Resource Development: 0.75



Tue., 11th of September 2024, 18:30 – 20:00 CET



Please purchase your Tickets on Eventbrite.




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