International Coach Federation Deutschland

Positive Psychology in Coaching - Jonathan Passmore

Positive Psychology in Coaching

 In this session Jonathan will explore the application of positive psychology in coaching. Positive psychology has become a popular over the past two decades, with the addition of new Theory. The approach has been increasingly applied to coaching. Jonathan will review a number of different PP tools and explain how these can be used with clients to enhance wellbeing and Positivity.


Jonathan is a chartered psychology and internationally respected coach. He has published widely with over 30 books and 100 scientific papers. His books include Excellence in Coaching and Top Business Psychology Models. In addition To his writing he maintains an active practice and his clients include senior leaders and national UK politicians.

 Benefits for participants

  • Understand the theories behind Positive psychology
  • Understand different tools
  • Understand ways these tools can be applied with clients


Bitte bestellen Sie ihr Ticket bei Eventbrite


 25. Juli 2019 – 19:00 bis 20:30

More Information

Jonathan Is the author of Becoming a Coach: The definitive ICF Guide



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