International Coach Federation Deutschland

Re-authoring ideas and practices in working with diversity and inclusion

In our time together we will be experiencing how the re-authoring work offers a way of seeing and doing that re-dignifies the other. We will also explore how this work builds on the human capacity to weave meaning into narratives in our world and as we do, how the beauty, dignity and knowledges of individuals and communities are deeply honoured. Re-authoring diversity and inclusion conversations hold our differences with a respectful openness of the alternative story of inclusion of the “other”.

I am Chené Swart and live in Pretoria, South Africa! I love to work with the gifts of narratives, human connectedness, diversity and transformation that inspired me to write the book, Re-authoring the World! As a trained Narrative Therapist, I have been translating these ideas and practices with organisations, communities and individuals from various cultures and contexts. How we can take back the pen and re-author with dignity and beauty our human presence in this world stands central in the facilitation of online learning journeys, coaching and the work with organisations and communities.

Benefits for the participants

  • Introduction to the re-authoring ideas and practices for work with diversity and inclusion
  • Experiencing the work whilst learning about the work
  • How to invite human connectedness with the “other”
  • Exploring practices of welcome and hospitality when it comes to the “other“
  • Discovering how the „other“ is constructed through our meaning-making and story-making capacities


Information on the type of CCEU will be published on Eventbrite.


19. May 2020; 7pm - 8:30pm


Please click here to purchase your ticket.

Further Information


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