International Coach Federation

International coaching week 2019

This year marked an important milestone for the coaching industry–20 years of celebrating the coaching profession and showing its impact on the world during International Coaching Week!

With more than 100 ICF Chapters hosting over 600 activities and pro bono services, we hope International Coaching Week continues to make a long-lasting positive impact on the world and in your local community. We've highlighted exciting moments from the week below.

Statistics about International Coaching Week 2019

  • Over 100 ICF Chapters held more than 600 events worldwide
  • Just under 2 million impressions made with the hashtag #ExperienceCoaching, and 1.5 million impressions with the hashtag #InternationalCoachingWeek 

  • More than 100 pro bono coaching sessions were held for the public by ICF Chapters
  • 236 media mentions during the week in 27 countries


View how ICF Chapters worldwide celebrated ICW through our Wakelet channel. The channel pulls links and content from chapters and ICF into one feed.

View the ICF feed!

Mark your calendar for next year's International Coaching Week, taking place May 4 – 10, 2020. We hope to see you there!

©2024  International Coach Federation Deutschland e. V.