International Coach Federation Deutschland

Das war der Coachingtag 2019

Mehr als 200 Teilnehmer waren es in diesem Jahr, die den ICF Coachingtag besuchten – und sie waren begeistert! Internationale Speaker und heimische Experten zeigten, welche Schwerpunkte, Perspektiven und auch kritische Entwicklungen sie im Thema „Agile Leadership in a Digital World“ sehen und HR Profis von Siemens, adidas, VW, Vodafone und IBM stellten ihre Coachingkonzepte vor.

„Mehr als Buzzwords beim ICF Coachingtag in München: Denkanstöße, Lösungsvorschläge, ethische Abwägungen der Frage, wie „digital“ und „agil“ durch Coaching zusammengebracht werden können.“  

„Thank you ICF Germany for an inspiring and thought-provoking day! I took away a lot of new inspiration for myself and my organization.“,

“Thank you so much for this amazing time at the ICF Coaching Day! We enjoyed exciting and collected valuable feedback on the future of coaching.”

“Fantastic atmosphere and an engaged audience at the annual German ICF Coaching Conference.”

“Thanks ICF for providing a great platform with inspirational speakers and the possibility to share and exchange on what it takes to be successful in a digitalized world”

… sind nur einige der Stimmen nach dem Coachingtag. Das Thema hat den Nerv getroffen und die hochkarätigen Speaker haben den Teilnehmern spannende Einsichten, differenzierte Blickwinkel und viel Stoff zum Diskutieren mitgegeben. Alles in allem – ein voller Erfolg. Und dass Coaches auch feiern können zeigten sie bei der Party am Freitag Abend – die Tanzfläche war bis zum Schluss voll…

Coachingtag 2019 - Video


Thank you so much for all the inspiring moments at the ICF Coaching Day #CT2019 and all the great interest in our #futureofcoaching approach. Thanks for very special moments by Jean-Francois Cousin who took us on journey to coaching at silicon valley, where I could find a lot of similarities and fits with our startup environment, as well as fantastic thinking time by Anna Inama, MSc, ICF PCC, reminding us why "time to think" is the key to true self-reflection and personal development, and Nadine Schwarz on reminding us about thinking about your meaning of existence and leaving your comfort zone to truly grow. One thing I really regret having missed out on by Friederike Grüterich about #grow2glow by Siemens, but I am sure we will meet again ;). A BIG Thank you to the International Coach Federation Board Members Peter Tschötschel, Barbara Klinke, Doris van de Sand (MCC), Andrew Bunting, Chrys Jerrett for a fantastic organization and all their contribution to making this happen! Until we meet again next year! Rebecca Rutschmann

Thank you so much for this amazing time at the ICF Coaching Day #CT2019. We enjoyed exciting discussions Dr. Thomas Bachmann, Edith Coron, Dr. Rene Immanuel Kusch, Ralph Hübner, Hendrik Schriefer, Björn Kastl and Jonathan Passmore and collected valuable feedback on the future of coaching Coco Decrouppé. Let's do this together and shape a modern and ethical coaching profession. BIG Thank you to the International Coach Federation Board Members Peter Tschötschel, Barbara Klinke, Doris van de Sand (MCC), Andrew Bunting and many more amazing contributors!!!! Svenja Haus

Fantastic atmosphere and an engaged audience at the annual German ICF Coaching Conference. It was wonderful to be a speaker and to share thoughts and experiences of creating the conditions for people to think independently for themselves - #inspired by the work of Nancy Kline. If anyone is interested in learning more, I am running a taster day in Munich on April 28th where I will share the 10 components and the key applications to be and create a thinking environment for your colleagues. Please get in touch if interested (Anna Inama)

It is widely agreed that companies can only succeed with their #digitaltransformation efforts if they involve their people from the very beginning and accompany them throughout the whole journey. Thanks #ICF for providing a great platform with inspirational speakers and the possibility to share and exchange on what it takes to be successful in a digitalized world. A particular thanks to: Dr. Markus Ebner for his work on positive leadership / PERMA lead Birgit Feldhusen for sharing her insights in collective intelligence Stefanie Voss for her provocations around agility @Dr. Thomas Bachmann for his research on teams / collaboration @Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller for sharing the benefits of a psychodynamic approach in coaching (Gaudenz Stricker)

Es war mir eine Freude, beim ICF Coachingtag #ct2019 in München 'mein' Thema beisteuern zu können. Herzlichen Dank an die professionelle Organisation und die engagierten Gäste! Birgit Feldhusen

We are delighted that we were part of this year’s ICF Coachingtag in Munich, #CT2019. Congratulations to #ICFGermany for creating this excellent event with so many inspiring presentations and interactive workshops around “Agile Leadership in a Digital World”. A special thanks to your amazing support, Andrew Bunting and Peter Tschötschel. Thanks a lot as well to Barbara Klinke and to The Rilano Hotel München for such a smooth organisation! Lisa Oßwald

Thank you ICF Germany for an inspiring and thought-provoking day! I took away a lot of new inspiration for myself and my organization. Torsten Schuster

Extremely excited to experience an excellent exposition of mastery from a master - Jonathan Passmore at this year's #coachingtag#ct2019 exceeded expectations. Andrew Bunting 

Mehr als Buzzwords beim ICF Coachingtag in München: Denkanstöße, Lösungsvorschläge, ethische Abwägungen der Frage, wie „digital“ und „agil“ durch Coaching zusammengebracht werden können. Besonderes Highlight: der Prism Award für außerordentliche Coachingkultur in Unternehmen - ich wüsste nämlich nicht, wie Kulturwandel ohne Coaching funktionieren soll! Felix Schumann

Wow-so much „food for thought“ and inspirations from the ICF Coachingtag in Munich #CT2019! Barbara Klinke, Doris van de Sand (MCC): Many thanks to the ICF Germany for organizing such a great event and for the opportunity to present the Siemens #Grow2Glow coaching initiative! A big thank you also to the inspiring speakers and Barcamp session hosts: Dr. Thomas Bachmann, Jonathan Passmore, Karsten Drath, Doris van de Sand (MCC), Susan Bregenzer, Dr. Rene Immanuel Kusch, Ruediger Freiwald; Rebecca Rutschmann! I learned a lot and gained some fresh ideas ;-) Friederike Grüterich

It was really good. Your questions, Barbara Klinke, were designed to provoke serious discussion, which is a welcome change from the norm. Panellists respectfully disagreeing with each other is exactly how it should be. Could easily have been twice as long. Lots of insightful comments from each of the panellists. Edith Coron in particular was on fire!

Text: Barbara Klinke      Bild: ICF Deutschland e.V.  |

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