International Coach Federation Deutschland




Huusbarg 36, 22359 Hamburg

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Lena Hoppe
Mitglied des Chapters Hamburg

ACC Professional Certified Coach

ACC Master Certified Coach

ACC Associate Certified Coach

Lena Hoppe Coaching

ICF Zertifizierung
2-3 Jahre
Coaching Fokus
Career Coaching



Lena Hoppe is a Business and Life Coach, her coaching conversations benefitting from a versatile skill set gained in her extensive career in the Arts as well as in Corporate Communications.

Following the thought of New Work Pioneer Frithjof Bergmann, Lena believes that everyone should aspire to do what they “really, really love”, allowing their potential to unfold in its entirety. The core of Lena’s work as a coach thus is to help her clients reach contentment on their challenging transformational life journeys. It is her firm belief that inner development is a vital prerequisite for true fulfillment in life.

During her longterm experience at AUDI AG, she has become well aware of the power of hierarchy and politics within large multinational corporations. An expert in rhetoric, public appearance and target group specific communications, Lena is well acquainted with the requirements and expectations of senior management up to C-Level. She has also worked in agile projects and helped implement agile work techniques in several departments of the company.

Earlier in her career, Lena was able to develop her strategic competency in the management of high-level classical musicians while expanding her creative potential and emotional intelligence in exposure to the top-level cultural sector.

Lena completed the ICF accredited Bossert Associates Coaching Academy training, was a visiting student at the Royal Holloway College of the University of London and holds a Master’s degree in Music and Law from Berlin Humboldt University. 

She is the first "Fair Play" Method Facilitator in Germany and lives in Hamburg, with her husband and son.

Sprachen im Coaching




ICF global

ICF Germany

nushu female business

Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Soon to be: Positive Intelligence Coach / PQ Coach

"Fair Play" Method Facilitator

Bossert Associate Coaching Academy (Executive Coach - Level 2)

Weitere Angebote / Leistungen

Fair Play Facilitation, for details see

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