International Coach Federation Deutschland

Team coaching in a complex, adaptive world

Organizations are increasingly reliant on teams to survive and grow. Yet most teams fail to achieve the performance they could. Coaches can add much greater value to clients to organizations by enlarging their practice from coaching leaders to coaching leaders and the teams together. To do this well requires a much expanded skill set that includes a deep understanding of complex, adaptive systems in the workplace. David will state ongoing research and pragmatic approaches to working with teams as complex adaptive systems.


Speaker: Professor David Clutterbuck

David is one of the pioneers and foremost global authorities in Coaching and Mentoring. He introduced supported mentoring to Europe in the early 1980s and also 360-degree feedback, which he discovered in Russia whilst travelling the globe reporting on good practice in management. He is an author of 75 books on coaching, mentoring, leadership and management, he also co-founded the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (he is now Special Ambassador for the EMCC) in addition to being Visiting professor, Henley Business School (Reading University) Sheffield Hallam, Oxford Brookes and York St John Universities.



Benefits for the participants:

You will learn:

  • What it takes to make the transition from 1-2-1 coach to team coach
  • How to help a team discover its internal d external dynamics
  • How to plan your own development journey as a team coach



Further Information



Information will be provided soon on Eventbrite.



Mon, 27 March 2023, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST



Please purchase your Tickets on Eventbrite



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