International Coach Federation Deutschland

Digital Coaching: How to Partner with Technology

“You will not lose your job to a robot. AI is not there yet. But you may lose your job to someone who can integrate digital tools into their practice.” Dr Riza Kandalar, Chair of the EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council).

This talk will explore the different ways that coaches can use technology to enhance their practice and achieve better client outcomes. 

●    With new software emerging every day, we will discuss the wider technology landscape to gain an understanding of what’s out there and how it can help you.

●    We will share practical examples of technology specifically being used in the coaching market.

●    We will explore in greater depth the Saberr platform and how it help leaders become a coach for the teams they lead.

●    This talk will also discuss the opportunities and limitations of using tech in your coaching practice, including the ethical implications involved, now and in the future.

Speaker:Tom Marsden, CEO at Saberr

Tom is the CEO of Saberr. He’s leads a team that combines behavioural insights, coaching practice, AI, and UX to create a product that is used by leaders to get the most from their team. Clients often use a ‘blended solution” that combines human coaches and digital coaching support. Tom originally worked in investment banking funding management buy outs in Europe. Then strategy consulting at McKinsey before leading a consulting practice in the talent space. Tom lives in London with his family and two dogs.

Benefits for the participants?

  • Understand how the landscape for technology is changing.
  • Understand some of the tools that coaches are using in their one-to-one practice.
  • Get an insight into how technology is supporting team coaching at scale.
  • For coaches that are interested in coaching at scale there’s an opportunity to scale impact to reach more teams within your client base.


More Information

Date & Time

June 16th, 2021

11:45 Tech check





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