International Coach Federation Deutschland

Clean Language – a powerful and effective way to communicate

Ort: Weinkeller „Brigande“ des ACHAT Plaza Hotels Karlsruhe, Mendelssohnplatz, 76131 Karlsruhe


Investition: 10 € für Voll-Mitglieder und Studenten / 15 € für Global-Mitglieder / 20 € für Nicht-Mitglieder oder


Verbindliche Anmeldung bis spätestens 01. März 2018 per Email an


Thema am 06.03.2018:

Clean Language – a powerful and effective way to communicate


Our Speaker is: Sharon Small (

Born in Den Haag in 1962, Sharon is an internationally recognized Clean Language trainer and assessor. With over 13 years of experience working in the nuclear industry, a degree in psychology and background in NLP, Sharon brings a broad set of skills and experiences to her training rooms. She is able to convey the ‘HOW TO’ of Clean Language in an accessible and friendly way, bringing humor, insightfulness, and new skills into the field of coaching and management communication. 



This workshop will introduce you to Clean Language – a powerful and effective way to communicate which gets to the heart of things. Clean Language was originally developed to help clients to resolve deep trauma. It is now being used to solve complex problems by some of the sharpest people in the world – managers, auditors, computer scientists, sales promoters, market researchers, coaches, educators, health professionals and many other who prefer to empower people rather than tell them what to do. Clean Language is free (= clean) of own assumptions, interpretations, and judgments. It therefore reduces the risk of wasteful projections. By asking Clean questions you carefully explore the metaphors which underpin a person’s thinking. Thereby you help them change their lives in a way that intrinsically respects diversity and supports empowerment. Expect to jump into exercises early in the workshop.  


What you will get out of it:

  • Discover what Clean Language is and how it is originated.

  • Learn the most useful Clean Language questions and begin using them straight away.

  • Listening exquisitely with an open and neutral curiosity.

  • Working uniquely with the information that comes from your client.

  • Experience how you can use Clean Language questions for gaining clarity in information and develop deep connections with others.



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