International Coach Federation Deutschland

Building Psychological Safety with Emotional Intelligence

We all want to work in an environment where it feels safe to bring our real selves into interactions with our team members – one where it’s not personally costly to make mistakes or ask questions. All of the evidence links psychological safety to pretty much every aspect of how highly successful teams function.

Furthermore, the research is clear: there is no psychological safety with emotional intelligence. In this complimentary 90-minute masterclass, learn about the neuroscience connecting emotional intelligence & psychological safety, and how this points you to how you can create a better working environment for yourself, your teams and organisations.

Psychological safety is everybody’s business – so whether you’re a leader or a team member interested in creating a better team environment, or a coach or trainer working to help teams do so, there is something in this intensive masterclass for you.


Speaker: Deiric McCann

Deiric McCann leads Genos International Europe – the EU division of a world-leading provider of emotional intelligence solutions. He has 20+ years of experience at the highest levels of management in multinational organisations, and a further decade of experience working with multinational clients worldwide, helping them to develop the resilience, emotional intelligence, psychological safety and engagement of their teams.


Benefits for the participants

  • Learn about the evidence linking psychological safety to pretty much every aspect of how highly successful teams function.
  • Take part in 'The EI Experience', an interactive activity that outlines why understanding how you 'show up' is so critical
  • Understand how the brain processes work in environments that are psychologically safe vs. those that are psychologically unsafe.
  • See what the neuroscience of emotions says about how the way we ‘show up’ is so critical to the sense of psychological safety of those around us
  • Uncover guidance on how to make those around you feel safe.



Further Information



    Information to follow on Eventbrtie



    Tue, 6 Jun 2023 19:00 - 20:30 CEST



    Please purchase your Tickets on Eventbrite




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