International Coach Federation Deutschland

Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching Today

Presentation of results of the survey supported be EMCC Global on Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching. What types of dilemmas and how coaches handle them, evolution of dilemmas in different categories of experience.

Part of the workshop is Group Coaching Supervision, interaction between the participants in discussing and reflecting on dilemmas. Potential dilemmas will be presented to the group and they will be asked to discuss their experiences and their thinking in the way they would handle a potential dilemma in their practice. Sharing experiences and receiving feedback between the coaches.


Speaker: Maria Biquet

Maria Biquet is an experienced Business Consultant, Executive Coach and Lecturer with vast experience from diverse business fields. EMCC Senior Practitioner Accredited, Researcher on Ethics, writer and EMCC Greece President.


Benefits for the participants:

  • Undertand dilemmas
  • Opportunity to reflect on different types of dilemmas
  • Improve the ability to identify dilemmas
  • Learn about other coaches’ dilemmas
  • Interaction and sharing experiences and thining on ethical dilemmas


Further Information



Informations will be provided soon on Eventbrite.



Thu, 15 December 2022, 17:30 – 19:00 CET



Please purchase your Tickets on Eventbrite




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