International Coach Federation Deutschland

The new era of Coaching with generative AI like ChatGPT (ENG)

The latest developments in generative AI technology will be affecting the coaching industry tremendously, more than most of the previous tech advancements. It will change the way coaches are working and how HR departments can integrate coaching as a tool for all employees.We will give you a short introduction into generative AI showing different use cases digging into experimenting hands-on during the session with the capabilities of models like ChatGPT for different coaching purposes and best practices discussing with the audience how this will impact the future of coaching.



Speaker: Rebecca Rutschmann

Rebecca Rutschmann is a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of the coaching tech startup evoach. As a communications expert, certified business coach and expert in designing outstanding digital and intelligent user experiences, she has been involved with various online coaching formats since 2009 and wrote her business coaching diploma thesis on "online self-coaching". Her mission: to completely liberalize coaching by developing an intelligent, digital and gamified chatbot application for hybrid coaching.


Benefits for the participants

  • Introduction to Coaching Chatbots
  • Showcase how generative AI can coach today (GPT 3.5)
  • A look into the near future (GPT 4)
  • Use cases for coaches
  • How to get started?


Further Information



Information to follow on Eventbrtie



Thu, 30 March 2023, 19:00 – 20:30 CEST



Please purchase your Tickets on Eventbrite




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