International Coach Federation Deutschland

Coaching ethics and AI

We will look at the trajectory of technology that’s disrupting the coaching profession, its application to the end-to-end coaching experience, and the ethical dilemmas we’re confronted with. We will look at the foundational benefits that technology offers, from email and calendar systems through to cutting-edge AI and metaverse technologies, as well as the risks it presents and how we should respond. Furthermore, we will see generative AI in action, and leave with an action plan for our coaching practices.


Speaker: Sam Isaacson

Sam Isaacson is an enthusiastic coach, and an adviser on coachtech and organizational coaching ecosystems. With roles as Chair of England’s coaching apprenticeship, as well as working in an advisory capacity with the ICF and EMCC Global, he frequently writes and speaks about coaching technology, as well as providing supervision services to a number of coaches.


Benefits for the participants

  • Understand the universal benefits and risks of technology
  • Understand the current and future possibilities for technology in coaching
  • Understand the complex multi-stakeholder environment of coaching technology
  • Take the first step towards a personal ethical framework for technology and coaching
  • Develop an action plan to address the use of technology in coaching practices


    Further Information

    • Literature: Isaacson, S. (2021) How to Thrive as a Coach in a Digital World



    Information to follow on Eventbrtie



    Wed, 14 Jun 2023 13:00 - 14:30 CEST



    Please purchase your Tickets on Eventbrite




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