International Coach Federation Deutschland

The Role of Team Coaching for Organizational Excellence

In today's dynamic work environments, fostering cohesive and high-performing teams is paramount for organizational success. However, achieving this goal requires more than just individual skill development; it necessitates a wider approach towards team development. This workshop will delve into the role of team coaching in unlocking the full potential of teams and maximizing organizational efficiency.

During this interactive session, participants will explore the multifaceted benefits of team coaching and its profound impact on team development, differences between different methods of team development. Through a combination of insightful discussions, practical exercises, and real-world case studies, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how team coaching can drive tangible improvements across various facets of organizational functioning.


Speaker: Cristina Mühl

Cristina Mühl embodies a remarkable fusion of extensive corporate experience and a profound commitment to the coaching profession. With a multifaceted career that spans industries and continents, she is a leading figure in the development and promotion of coaching excellence. Cristina's contributions to the evolution of coaching extend beyond her individual practice. She serves as a Subject Matter Expert with ICF Global, where she has played a pivotal role in shaping the competencies for coaching supervision, setting standards and best practices for the industry. Currently, Cristina serves as the President-Elect of ICF Germany, demonstrating her leadership and vision for the future of coaching in her region. Cristina Mühl is the Ambasador for Team Coaching from the ICF Global Community of Practice for Group and Team Coaching. She hold a Team Coaching accreditation both from ICF and EMCC. She has coached executives and management at various levels to develop their skills and realize their potential. Throughout her experience, she has guided several teams in finding a better way to work together to achieve the maximum through active listening, powerful questioning and activating the resources of each individual.


Benefits for the participants

  • Discover the differences between team development modalities
  • Clarify the ROI for team coaching
  • Exchange and learn from each other


Further information

Advanced Certification in Team Coaching

Solutions Academy


The event will be held in English. Cristina also speaks German, so questions can also be asked in German. Alternatively German subtitles can be selected on Zoom.



Core Competencies          0.75

Resource Development    0.75



Wed, 24 Apr 2024 19:00 - 20:30 CEST



Please purchase your Tickets on Eventbrite.




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