International Coach Federation Deutschland

Courageous Coaching: How to be brave in your coaching arenas (EN)

Brief Description

Drawing on the powerful research of Dr. Brené Brown, this session will explore where you want to be braver inside of your coaching practice or in setting up your coaching business. Perhaps there is a new skill or approach you learned that you have not yet dared to try. Perhaps you feel as if you could be bolder with your coaching questions and/or be more challenging of your client’s assumptions, but you feel yourself holding back. It might even be, that you have not yet mustered the courage to promote yourself to a new target audience or you feel as if you have been limiting yourself to coaching leaders and individuals only at a certain level.

There are these natural moments within our personal or professional development where we stand on the edge of readiness. We sense that it is time to move forward, to try something different yet we don’t. These times are often accompanied by self-critical thoughts and feelings of being “not enough”. We hear these struggles from our coachees and we know this experience personally. Yet, we aren’t always sure how to navigate ourselves or our coachees forward.

Brené Brown uses the metaphor of the arena in her Daring GreatlyTM and Dare to LeadTM curricula. An arena is anywhere in our lives where we are called upon to be brave and face the critics. During this workshop you will have the opportunity to explore your own arenas and begin gathering the resources you will need to enter those arenas with courage. Understanding these arenas will help you be braver in your life and at the same time give you a new way of exploring the arenas of your clients.

The event will be virtual and in English.

Speaker: Terri Creeden



Terri Creeden is the owner of Creeden Coaching & Consulting. She is an executive coach, trainer and facilitator with clients in Asia, Europe and the U.S. She provides leadership trainings and transformational coaching to senior leaders and top executives. Her most passionate work is in the areas of lead team effectiveness, team dynamics, clear communication, authenticity and living and leading with courage. All of her work stems from the idea that leadership is about people not power. Her business solutions are focused on authentic leadership and successful relationships.

Terri has a background in the biological sciences and holds a Masters degree in Human Genetics and a Masters degree in Public Health. She is a certified ontological coach through Newfield Network Europe and a professional certified coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She is also a Certified Daring WayTM and Dare to LeadTM Facilitator in the research of Dr. Brené Brown and the co-founder of Grounded Parents Group, which uses the Daring programs to provide personal development for parents.

Terri is originally from the U.S. and has lived and worked in Shanghai, China and in Basel, Switzerland, where she currently lives with her husband and two sons.

What Participants will take away:

  • Using the metaphor of the arena from the research of Dr. Brené Brown, participants will
  • Understand how vulnerability and shame stop us from being brave with our lives
  • Gain an understanding of the key messages of criticism and self-criticism we face in the arena
  • Learn the key resources needed to support in our efforts to be brave


Who should attend?

This information will be of use to anyone looking to be braver with their life, coaching or business. We all bump up against fear and hesitation when we are called upon to be brave with our lives so this event will speak to everyone at any stage of their coaching. It will be of particular interest to those who are fans of Brené Brown and want to experience a deeper dive into her work and how to apply it.


Overview of the evening:

During this event we will have the opportunity to view exclusive curriculum videos from Brené Brown in order to present the key concepts of vulnerability and shame and to understand the metaphor of the arena. Participants will be invited to identify an arena in their coaching for the purposes of applying this learning. They will engage in reflection exercises and have the chance to share those insights in break out groups with fellow coaches. A fully engaged and open dialogue is encouraged, and we will pause regularly to take questions and discuss learnings amongst those on the call.

The event will be virtual and in English.


Evening Program / Ablauf des Abends:

18:30   Entry, Registrations und Networking
18:45   ICF und Chapter Updates
19:00   Exploring concepts of vulnerability and shame and understanding the arena seats
~20:00 (15 Minute break for networking and discussion)
20:15   Presenting and identifying the resources we need to show up in our arenas
21:15   Participants closing
21:30   End of evening



Core Competencies: 2.5 CCEU
Resource Development: 0.5 CCEU



Mitglieder / Member ICF Deutschland e.V.: 10 EUR
Mitglieder / Member ICF global: 15 EUR
Gäste / Guest: 20 EUR
Plus Ticketgebühr / Plus Ticket fee


Registrations in Eventbrite under this link / Anmeldung im Eventbrite unter diesem Link.



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