International Coach Federation Deutschland

Leaving 2021 and Entering 2022 – visualisation and reflection


As we come to the end of 2021 what do we want to celebrate, leave behind or integrate from the past year?

As we enter the new year what do we want for ourselves, our families and communities in 2022?

2021 has been another unprecedented year, following on from 2020. We‘ve seen political turmoil and change, wildfires and floods, losses and tragedies, as well as biotech breakthroughs, new ways of working and living, new hopes, changing focus and priorities, and countless heroes and heroines - all against the background of the pandemic.

Certainly a year of changes and challenges for each and every one of us. We have truly learned that we live in uncertain times.

We can build our own resilience and our ability to react skilfully to the future, by not ignoring the past but by processing it and taking the learnings.

In this session we will have the chance to reflect on the past year and to set our intentions for the year ahead. This will be done through visualisations and individual and group reflection time. To help deepen the experience we will also incorporate some somatic experientials.


Speaker: Chrys Jerrett

Our facilitator is Chrys Jerrett - a Transformational Coach, Mentor, Facilitator, Consultant and TEDx Motivational Speaker with over 35 years of international corporate management, strategic consulting and people development experience with multi-national companies and multi-cultural teams throughout the world. She is CPCC certified with the Co-active Training Institute and holds the ICF PCC. She is fascinated by neuroscience and embodiment and is excited to learn more and more about what it is to be a human being. Chrys is originally from New Zealand and now lives in Munich. She is currently serving as one of the ICF Munich Chapter Hosts.



18:30 Entry, Registration and Networking

18:45 Welcome and chapter updates

19:00 – 20:00 Visualisation & reflection

~20:00 – 20:15 Break / networking

20:15 – 21:00 Visualisation & reflection

21:00 – 21:30 Closing - participants

21:30 – Official End of Evening


Who should attend

Anyone who has lived through 2021 ;-). Seriously though, this session is for you if you would like to reflect on, learn from and integrate the past year as well as set your intentions for the year ahead.


Benefit for the participants

  • A chance to reflect on the past year and integrate the learnings from it.
  • Guided intention setting for 2022
  • Networking and support
  • Somatic / embodied techniques to help deepen learnings and power-up intentions.


Further Information:



Information to follow on Eventbrite.



Mon, 13 December 2021, 18:30 – 21:00 CET



Please purchase your Ticket on Eventbrite.




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