International Coach Federation Deutschland

Coach-IT: Online Group Coaching

This Virtual Education is an opportunity to learn more about the Coach-IT Module on Online Group Coaching. Andreea and Claudiu will introduce you to the learning content, answer questions and open the room for for a discussion on latest trends and best practices in online group coaching.


Speaker: Andreea Nate and Claudiu Gura

Andreea Nate is a Leadrship Coach and HR Business Partner known for her passion for Learning & Development. After an academic background in archeology she found her passion for HR and learning while working for 10 years in some of the largest automotive companies in the world.

Now, she is an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and her passions include world traveling.

For her work she was inducted in the Forbes 30 under 30 Romania list.

Claudiu Gura is a certified professional coach with over 3 years of experience in individual and team coaching. He is an expert in facilitation, leadership, communication, and relationship building. Claudiu is responsible for managing the digital journey of ICF members at ICF Romania as Director of Digital Operations.


Benefits for the participants


  • Group coaching definition
  • Collaboration tools for Online Group Coaching
  • Software Tools for Group Coaching
  • Online Group Facilitation Techniques in the light of core competencies



CCEUs are available via the learning platform



Monday, 06. November 2023 18:00 - 19:30 CEST



Please purchase your Tickets on Eventbrite




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