International Coach Federation Deutschland

Developing Competency in Coach & Client Wellbeing

ICF Ireland in partnership with ICF Germany, ICF France and ICF Romania provide an interactive moment for coaches to engage with other coaches to define the core elements of coach and client wellbeing. The session takes learning from Module 6 of CoachIT: Coach Wellbeing, further as each participant will contribute to the exploration of their own and others learning needs and the mindset required. This set of needs and frames will be considered as a part of the client system to see where the coach can actively support the client in achieving their own digital wellbeing to benefit optimally from the coaching session. Participants will understand the impact on the environment of the coach and the client wellbeing, understanding how wellbeing of the mind can impact on the coach and the client, understanding the somatic experience and impact on wellbeing and finally understanding parallel process and transference in the balance or blockages to well-being. Each ICF Chapter will facilitate a break out room in their home language, and bring ideas back to plenary session in english.


Additional Information




Wed, 6. Dec. 2023 19:00 - 20:30 MEZ


This event is free of charge



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