International Coach Federation Deutschland

Experience Digital Leadership: #New work mindset & integrative decision making

Experience Digital Leadership: #New work mindset & integrative decision making

  • This session has you experience the impact of leading and collaborating with different mindsets. It provides the essential understanding of what makes teams and leaders thrive in a highly dynamic digitalized world
  • Playfully practice in small groups after a short introduction
  • Experience the integrated decision making process, a structured approach for taking decisions that use the power of diverse teams and distributed leadership
  • The ICF Lab promotes growth and learning by providing a safe space to experiment.


  • Understand essentials of digital leadership
  • Experience the impact of different ways of collaboration
  • Learn about integrative decision making as effective tool

Die Referenten 

·       Barbara Engel, Certified Coach,

     together with the hosts of the ICF Lab: 

·       Melanie von Wangenheim, CPCC and PCC

·       Susan Bregenzer, CPCC and ACC


Please purchase your tickets here.


05. September 2019, 19:00 - 20:30



Virtual Education

Europas größte virtuelle Live-Plattform zum Thema Coaching
mehr >

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