International Coach Federation Deutschland

Virtual Education - Archiv

16 Dez 2021 | Melanie A. Sears

H.O.P.E. for Ugly Babies – How to Take your Client and Business to the Next Level.

What would be a delicious way to celebrate this year and have a vision for 2022 that holds magic within? What are tools you can walk away with to...


13 Dez 2021 | Prof. Dr. Christian Busch

Connecting the dots in a fast-changing world: How the science of serendipity can help us turn uncertainty into meaning, impact – and smart luck

Modern life is full of chance encounters, changing plans, delayed journeys, human errors, and—yes—even pandemics. But what if we could turn such...


09 Dez 2021 | Kirsten Dierolf

Excellence in Coaching

What does excellence in coaching mean? The ICF core competencies? Reflection on your own practice? What else? What can we learn from psychotherapy...


06 Dez 2021 | Saima Butt

Inclusion, Acceptance & Belonging: As coaches what does this *really* mean and what is our contribution in today’s world

As coaches, how are we awakened to the subtle nature of how are biases show up in wanting to make a difference? To evoke curiosity, deepen our...


01 Dez 2021 | Dr. Markus Ramming

Neuroscience für Trainer und Coaches

Die Neurowissenschaften sind eine der größten Wissenschaftszweige auf der Welt. Weil wir Menschen gerne verstehen wollen wie unser wichtigstes Organ...



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Virtual Education

Europas größte virtuelle Live-Plattform zum Thema Coaching

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