International Coach Federation Deutschland

Know thy body! Integrative presence: A needs exchange through somatic responsiveness in dialogue

Presence is defined as the capacity to spontaneously respond to others’ needs any given moment. This capacity shows in your body before you even utter a word. The body comes before the brain.We all tend to have a default setting – a golden shadow -, about everything: money, love, work, and presence, which limits our potential to have healthy relationships. People disconnect from us. While we think we are present, most of the time we have too much or not enough of it. The result is our presence-less-ness as we miss to see what is relevant in our interactions any given moment.

We will explore two obstacles to presence in coaching:

a) the consequences of both our presence-less-ness in our default setting, and

b) our presence-ness integrating the I, the Other, and the We in coaching.

Our approach is based on a recently conducted large-scale international coaching research that investigated 184 coachclientpairs in video-taped sessions to reveal that presence is expressed in how we respond somatically to each other. So, know thy body to be present any given moment.


Speaker: Dr Tünde Erdös, MCC

Tünde Erdös, PhD (Vrije Unversiteit Amsterdam), MSc. in Executive Coaching (Ashridge Business School), ICF MCC, and EMCC Senior Practitioner. Her guiding principle is FAIRness: Flexibility, Accountability, Integrity, and Reliability. Tünde’s FAIRness approach reflects her dedication to use a meta-lens that covers complex cultural and organizational contexts. Her area of expertise is presence both in coaching and leadership, as she is aware that leadership is coaching and coaching isleadership. Tünde has authored three books and published in academic journals as well as in nonacademic magazines. She lectures at HEC University in Paris, and supervises master’s students at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Tünde’s inspiration is to encourage coaches and leadership to base their practice harmoniously on professional wisdom and empirical evidence.


Benefits for the participants?

  • Learn about a first-time ever research into the nature of presence in the coaching relationship
  • Build awareness of your golden shadow – that is, your disowned potential – of your presence
  • Experience the sources oft he golden shadow of your presence & its consequences
  • Learn about the complex nature of presence based on evidence base for effective coaching
  • Build curiosity around your presence-less-ness & how you can start training your relational presence


Additional Information:

Book: Coaching Presence – Understanding the power of the non-verbal relationship


Informations via Eventbrite.


Please book your ticket via Eventbrite


21st. May 2021, 6:00 - 7:30 PM



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