International Coach Federation Deutschland

Anglo-Saxon Coaching Community in Germany for (near) Native English Speakers


Dear Coach,

We – that is, Andrew Bunting and Judith Martin, both coaches in Munich – would like to invite you to  the new, virtual ICF-supported Anglo-Saxon Coaching Community in Germany for (near) Native English Speakers


when: Last Monday each month at 7pm CET

next mtg: Monday, February 22nd 2021, at 7pm CET

where: Zoom – sign up with Eventbrite with the link below


What’s the purpose?

  • To co-create and co-run a coaching community for (near) native English speakers in Germany, with the aim to foster quality relationships, a referral network, peer support, business strategies, and on-going co-learning and development.
  • To promote the professionalism and broad understanding of coaching in Germany, for example, through community outreach and education in organisations and institutions by clarifying what coaching is and promoting good practice.


Who is it for?

Our target group is Anglo-Saxon and expat/international coaches living in Germany whose working language is primarily English at native level. It is not meant for those coaches who have completed their coach training in German and who work predominantly in German. Coaches should be professionally qualified and trained, as well as dedicated and committed to the profession. You do not have to be a member of any specific professional coaching body or association.


What’s important for us? (Community Principles / Ground Rules)

  • Professional training and certification (or a lot of experience) required.
  • Adherence to ICF Ethical Code of Practice and orientation towards ICF Core Competences.
  • Members of the Community should play an active role, contribute, and be committed to attending regular sessions in order to build trust and strong relationships.
  • A generous spirit of cooperation and give and take.
  • An open, supportive learning culture, “safe enough” to share and discuss work issues and challenges, and to disagree.
  • Respect and willingness/capacity to acknowledge potential rivalry within the national market and still cooperate with integrity.   


How will it work?

  • Regular online meetings (same day, same time, 1 x per month) and social get-togethers (e.g. dinners, drinks etc.) when and wherever possible.
  • Co-leadership will mean rotating the task of “Session Chair”, so that diverse people/facilitation teams can get involved.
  • Sessions will be co-facilitated around a theme or issue common to the coaching profession.


We hope you can join us on Monday, 22nd February to socialize (bring a drink) and share our experience, ideas and knowledge.  


Best wishes,

Andrew and Judith


PS: Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries: / 0172-9486 503.  |

ISSN: 2702-7880

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